The Simpsons hit the decade mark
Well, at the rate Simpsons DVDs are hitting the market, we’ll be all caught up… by 2014. The good news is that The Simpsons: The Complete Tenth Season is arriving this summer with a great assortment of extras.
The set will contain the complete season along with commentary tracks on seventeen episodes, A Line from Matt Groening, deleted scenes with optional commentary, animation showcases and animatics, a sneek peak at the upcoming movie, several Butterfinger spots & an Intel spot, some Australian promos for CC’s Chips, a sketch gallery, a featurette on crank calls and a bit from the animators. Missing this time around is the odd foreign language clips.
All joking about the schedule aside, each season set for The Simpsons continues to be a work of high commitment to great DVDs. A tip of the hat to Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment. The set arrives on August 7th for $49.98 and will come in both a Bart head box and a traditional box. Word from Fox is that starting with season 11 a new box scheme may come into play.