Spielberg’s ‘Munich’ gets a look
After weeks of secrecy and speculation, Munich, Steven Spielberg’s story about the aftermath of the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Olympics, began screening this week for the press and awards voters.
And though the movie doesn’t open until Dec. 23, it is gaining steam among some analysts as the film to beat.
“It’s long, it’s serious, and it’s not a typical Spielberg film,” says David Poland of moviecitynews.com, which polls more than a dozen film writers for their Oscar picks. “It’s more understated than we’ve come to expect from him, which I think will help it.”
Munich is the last of the movies considered best-picture candidates to begin screening.
But Entertainment Weekly’s Dave Karger says it’s too early to crown any film a favorite. “This is an unusually open race,” he says. “If Munich splits voters for not being political enough, it’s anyone’s race.”
Other films considered contenders: Memoirs of a Geisha, Brokeback Mountain, Walk the Line, Capote and Good Night, and Good Luck
Academy Award nominations will be announced Jan. 31. The Oscars will be presented March 5.