
Way to go, Sarah!!

Sarah McLachlan uses music video to raise funds for charity
VANCOUVER (CP) – Sarah McLachlan asked what her $150,000 music video budget could buy, and found the answer in the Third World.
The singer, video director Sophie Muller and the production crew donated their services to make the short film for World On Fire, which is currently on heavy rotation on MuchMoreMusic.
The video explains how the money will be used. For example, instead of spending $5,000 on hair and makeup, 145 Afghan girls will be schooled for one year. Other items include spending $7,500 on medicine for 5,000 people for six months in Nairobi, Kenya or $500 on nuts and bolts to secure houses of monsoon victims.
“The song is about trying not to feel paralysed when we see all that is wrong with the world, and remembering that even the smallest gesture can make a difference – corny but true,” McLachlan said in a statement.
“I wanted a video that wasn’t about me and wasn’t preachy, but one that would help shine a light on the tragedy and turmoil in the world and also show the beauty and strength of the human spirit.”
In addition to graphics illustrating the donated items, the four-minute, 19-second-long video shows footage from the affected villages.
The $150,000 was divided between 11 charities including Action Aid, War Child and Care Usa.