Tomorrow’s Best Bets
After setting box office records last year and setting DVD sales records in England already, Harry Potter comes home tomorrow. But he isn’t the only reason to buy some new discs this week!
Released in America 2 weeks ago, the MEMENTO: SPECIAL EDITION DVD that I have been waiting for will finally see the light of day in Canada tomorrow.
Or will it? IT BETTER!!! I have cleared my whole day for it.
Either way, whether I am happy or not, here are the new DVD’s scheduled for release on Tuesday, May 28th, 2002.
Memento: Limited Edition- I highly frown on movies coming out with deluxe DVD editions so soon after the original release. (They really should put everything out at the same time whenever possible, so fans can choose which one they want.) Having said that, this beautifully packaged set gets top marks for clever extras and a menu that makes you answer clues just to access all the special features. Needless to say, I support this release, even if it does come so close after the release of the original one.
Harry Potter and the Sorceror’s Stone- This DVD finally arrives to placate those who’ve already read the first four books, the jokey paperbacks about Quidditch and ferocious creatures, the unauthorized bios of J.K. Rowling, and simply can’t wait until Harry Potter 2 opens November 15. Marvelous casting – from the children to the all-star British supporting roles – saves this rather stiff rendition. It’s so faithful to the text, you’d think you were watching one of those tiresome Biblical epics instead of a quick-witted fantasy film. For me, Alan Rickman (currently triumphing on Broadway in “Private Lives”) steals every scene as Professor Snape. (And don’t even ask about Book Five – that’s been pushed back till next year.) Stop complaining and leave the poor woman alone. Maybe if she takes her time, she’ll actually let someone edit her text this go-round and we won’t suffer the niggling mistakes and overlong ramblings of Book Four.
Traffic- I was rooting for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon’s Ang Lee over this movie and Gladiator, but I can’t help being happy for Steven Soderbergh’s win as Best Director. Visually, this is exciting, in-your-face moviemaking and well worth the imprimatur of a Criterion special edition. Warren Beatty in the Michael Douglas role? That’s one of the many possibilities covered in the extras from one of the best directors working today.
Rambo Trilogy Special Edition- With a new wave of post 9/11 patriotism, perhaps now is a fortuitous time for a reissue of Rambo’s oeuvre. Demoralized and betrayed in First Blood, vengeful in Rambo II, and cartoonish action hero in Rambo III, Sylvester Stallone’s second most memorable creation gives vent to every level of righteous indignation you could ask for. But what tone will he strike for the recently revived sequel Rambo IV?