Jim Morrison honored on anniversary of his death
PARIS (AP) — Former members of The Doors have marked the 40th anniversary of the death of Jim Morrison by lighting candles at his grave in Paris.
Morrison, the lead singer of the rock band known for his partying lifestyle, died on July 2, 1971, at age 27 of heart failure in his bathtub in Paris, and his grave at Pere Lachaise cemetery remains a pilgrimage site for fans.
On Sunday, band members Ray Manzarek, the keyboardist, and guitarist Robby Krieger, lit candles at the grave of Morrison, who was known by the nickname the “lizard king.”
Fans of Morrison, who some considered a poet, also paid homage at his grave by leaving flowers there. Some wore black T-shirts containing a white drawing of Morrison’s face and the words “40th anniversary.”