‘South Park’ spoofs the Royal Wedding — Canada-style!
There was no doubt aboot it: South Park was going to have to skewer the Royal Wedding. While the mass hysteria surrounding the nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton has died down substantially, it doesnít mean Trey Parker and Matt Stone still wonít poke fun at it. And poke fun they will ó Comedy Central just offered up a teaser of Wednesday nightís new episode, titled ìRoyal Pudding.î Rest easy, Will and Kate fans, the newlyweds arenít exactly ridiculed. Rather, the Candian versions of them will be!
In the episode, just as the Canadian royalty (heh) are getting ready to walk down the aisle, the ìaboot to be Princess of Canadaî gets kidnapped, causing panic throughout Americaís cap. While it may not exactly be Will and Kate, things look pretty familiar in the clip ó thereís even a Canuck version of the Queen Mum and a Canada-ized Pippa trailing behind the bride. Weíre still waiting to see the Canadian version of this little one.
And no word yet on whether or not their guest list included Terrance and Phillip.