Will Amy Adams face Superman curse?
Much has been made of the Superman curse, from George Reeves to Christopher Reeve to Brandon Routh (whose $400-million box office in Superman Returns wasn’t enough to keep him in tights and out of cheap indie movies).
But take a moment to shed a tear for the career of Amy Adams, who has signed on as the latest Lois Lane opposite Henry Cavill.
Playing Kal-El’s girlfriend — a thankless task actor-wise — ultimately did no favours to Margot Kidder’s career. And Kate Bosworth was an “it” girl (The Horse Whisperer, Beyond The Sea) before being miscast as Lois opposite Routh.
Let’s hope the mojo from those past Oscar nominations protects Adams from the Krypton curse.
Meanwhile, we’re no fans of the Farrelly Brothers’ plan to “re-boot” the Three Stooges franchise. But we’re happy to see the role of Curly go to a Canadian, Will Sasso — who has been unforgivably underused since Mad TV.
With two Stooges left to cast, production is skidded to begin late next month.
Speaking of curses, could you imagine what playing the Stooges would have done to the careers of Farrelly’s originally cast-ees, Sean Penn, Benicio del Toro and Jim Carrey? You’d need at least two Oscars to wash that taste out of your mouth.
Superman famously fights for truth, justice and the American way. So it didn’t go unnoticed when director Zack Snyder cast British actor Henry Cavill as the Man of Steel in his forthcoming reboot of the character.
“I’m not that worried about it,” Snyder says when asked about the consternation in some circles that an Englishman is donning the cape of an American icon. In fact, he says it wasn’t even a consideration when choosing Cavill over such contenders as True Blood’s Joe Manganiello.
“No, because Batman’s (British), too.”
Snyder is referring, of course, to Christian Bale who will reprise his role as the Caped Crusader shortly in The Dark Knight Rises. And let’s remember, London-raised Andrew Garfield has replaced Tobey Maguire as the titular wall-crawler in 2012’s The Amazing Spider-Man.
Then again, at least in the case of Superman, his origins aren’t so simple. Asks producer Deborah Snyder, “Isn’t he from another planet?”
Currently plans call for the new Superman movie to arrive in theatres in December 2012.
While Hollywood scours for its next big movie trend — fairy tales among them — the vampire genre shows no signs of anemia.
Never mind the two — yes, two — Twilight sequels coming this fall and next summer.
There’s also, in no particular order: Stoker (with Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman); Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (based on the best-seller); and Dark Shadows (starring Johnny Depp and directed by Tim Burton).
As well, director David Slade (30 Days of Night) is also attached to The Last Voyage of Demeter, about the crew unfortunate enough to transport Dracula’s coffin from Transylvania to London.
Clearly, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs have some work to do before dethroning the undead.