David Duchovny Says X-Files 3 Being Written
I recently had a conversation with one of my friends about the upcoming Bones spin-off. She asked me if anyone had been cast yet, and when I said no, she offered David Duchovny. Her reasoning: “God stopped making men that talented or handsome a long time ago.” Sadly, I donít really see Duchovny leaving Showtime or Hollywood for a Fox crime-solving show anytime soon, but if the third X-Files ever moves forward, you can certainly count on him being there.
According to TVMag, a third movie may not be as far off as many have speculated. My French is a little suspect, but in the interview, David Duchovny reveals a third installment is being written, and theyíre all pretty much just waiting on a go-ahead from Fox. If it ever does happen, Duchovny says the franchise will shoot a little closer to its roots, with the main plot involving some sort of government conspiracy. Sounds about right.
Itís been almost twenty years since the X-Files first debuted, but still its fan base remains ravenous for more. Unfortunately, with grosses of the second film flatlining at less than seventy million, those clamoring for a third round might be out of luck. Still, with Duchovnyís support and a script that caters to what made the show so awesome, itís hard to think at some point this wonít be given the thumbs up.