

Bridget Jones 3 Is Happening For Some Reason
Back in 2008 when asked about the possibility of a third Bridget Jones movie Renee Zellweger had this to say: ìIt rather depends on there being another book, of course.î She was wrong. Thereís not another book but there will be a third movie.
Variety says Working Title is developing an as of yet untitled third entry in the Bridget Jones series. Renee Zellweger is of course, set to star. Since thereís not another book to adapt theyíll likely mine more material from the newspaper columns of Helen Fielding, which were originally put together into the first book which of course, they made into the first movie. Itís sort of like a snake eating itís own tail.
This time theyíll take the 2005 edition of Fieldingís columns in which, of course, Bridget tries to have a baby even though sheís much too old to have one. Thatís really all there is for women on film, theyíre either chasing men, losing weight, or bitching about their empty wombs. Really after the tepid reception of Bridget Jones 2 youíd think theyíd have given up on this thing. The first movie was cute but one was more than enough.