
I love this speech!!

Last night at the Golden Globes, Bruce Springsteen and Patti Scialfa shared a table with fellow Wrestler players such as Darren Aronfsky, Evan Rachel Wood, and Mickey Rourke, and it was a big night for the film. Springsteen didn’t have to wait long for his moment, as “Best Original Song” was the second award of the night, and “The Wrestler” took the honor. Springsteen made his way to the stage to receive the statue from his old pal Sting and give his thanks.
This is the only time I’m gonna be in competition with Clint Eastwood [laughs]. Felt pretty good, too!
Anyway, Mickey called me in Ireland and he asked me for some music.He told me a little bit about the character; he said some people invest themselves in their pain, and they turn away from love and the things that strengthen and nurture their lives. He said this was a guy that hadn’t figured that out. So I said, “Well, I know a couple of those guys….” And so, the song.
First and foremost, I’d like to thank Mickey — without the call I wouldn’t have written the song, without his inspiration — thank you, brother, for a beautiful performance, thank you for thinking of me!
I’d like to thank Darren and all the folks involved with the film, for letting me be a small part of their picture — thank you.
Love to my strong and lovely wife Patti; hello to Evan, Jess and Sam at home; happy birthday, Big Man Clarence Clemons!
Springsteen appeared rightfully pleased with his own award, but not quite as happy as at the end of the night, when the announcement of Rourke as Best Actor was clearly the big thrill. Talking about the long road back to this moment, Mickey saved his final thanks — right after a moving thanks to his dogs — for the Boss: “I wanna thank Bruce Springsteen… for everything, brother — love you! Thank you so much.”
Congratulations Mickey, congratulations Bruce!