
Indiana Jones Trailer – Big news!!

Indiana Jones and the Valentineís Day Teaser Trailer
Valentineís Day is coming a little earlier for Indy fans. Paramount Pictures and LucasFilm have announced that the much anticipated teaser trailer for Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull will be previewed exclusively on ABCís ìGood Morning Americaî on February 14th between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m.
The footage will then be immediately available online through the filmís official site and Yahoo! Movies.
The trailer will still play on the big screen in front of prints of The Spiderwick Chronicles. This is great news for Indy fanatics, because it means we wonít have to sit through a weekend of YouTube bootlegs. You have to give Paramount credit for not trying to force fans into seeing Spiderwick to catch the teaser, a shady practice adopted by many of the major Hollywood movie studios.