‘Superman’ Will Fly Into Theaters Early
Superhero flick opts for Wednesday premiere
This news many not necessarily change your end-of-June plans, but Warner Brothers has bumped up the release of “Superman Returns” by two days.
Instead of taking flight on movie screens everywhere on Friday, June 30, Bryan Singer’s reboot of the superhero franchise will now open on Wednesday, June 28, extending the potential franchise pic’s release through the protracted July 4th weekend.
“We were always considering this an option,” Dan Fellman, WB’s president of domestic distribution tells Variety. “I’m glad that we are in position to do it and take advantage of the summer holiday playtime.”
The trade paper reports that the studio had long hoped to have “Superman Returns,” which stars Kate Bosworth, Kevin Spacey and newcomer Brandon Routh, in theaters by the Wednesday, but there had been some internal questions regarding the completion of prints, particularly those for the movie’s IMAX run.
Now, though, “Superman Returns” is set up for an open playing field from the end of June through the July 4th holiday, which falls on a Tuesday. For that period, “Superman” will face only counterprogramming from Fox’s “The Devil Wears Prada.”
More competition is expected on July 7th with the release of Sony’s “Little Man,” as well as “Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest” from Disney.