‘Next Gen’ Stars Visit ‘Enterprise’ Finale
LOS ANGELES (Zap2it.com) Two stars of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” will help bring the four-season voyage of the current “Trek” series, “Enterprise,” to an end.
The final two episodes of the show are scheduled for Friday, May 13, and will focus on the forming of the Federation and the role the Enterprise plays in it. “Next Generation” regulars Jonathan Frakes and Marina Sirtis will appear as their characters from that series, William Riker and Deanna Troi.
The network announced in February that this season of “Enterprise” would be its last, resulting in howls of protest from “Trek” fans and a drive to raise enough money to finance another season of the series. Thus far the effort, organized at TrekUnited.com and SaveEnterprise.com, has raised just over $3.1 million, with $3 million of that coming from a trio of deep-pocketed anonymous donors.
The group hopes to raise $32 million, the cost of production for a full 22-episode season.
The final episodes will explore how the United Federation of Planets came to be. The first, which concludes a two-episode arc, finds the Enterprise trying to stop a human isolationist leader (guest star Peter Weller, “RoboCop”) who’s threatening to destroy Starfleet Command.
The finale will flash ahead six years, as Capt. Archer (Scott Bakula) and his crew return to Earth for the decommissioning of the ship and the signing of the Federation charter. Frakes and Sirtis will appear in a sequence set on the holodeck.