Remember Alf? Heís back. In DVD form
Lionís Gate is about to unleash aliens on us in the form of Alf: Season One on DVD this fall.
On September 22, 1986, a brown furry lovable alien named Gordon Shumway crashed his spaceship into the Los Angeles home of the Tanners (Willie, Kate, Lynn and Brian). They immediately took him into their home and their hearts, and named him ALF, short for Alien Life Form. For four years ALF lived with the Tanners, always elusively avoiding houseguests, chasing the family cat (Lucky), eating everything in sight, and breaking anything of valueÖ but the Tanners always loved the old ALFer.
The season one set includes all the episodes in fullscreen and Dolby 2.0 Stereo, the pilot and a gag reel are also included.
The set is crashing to Earth on August 10th.