Chen: ‘Big Brother 5’ to be ‘twisted’
There are changes coming to how the ‘Big Brother’ game is played but host Julie Chen is providing few details.
In a highly-edited promotional video interview on the official ‘Big Brother 5’ site, Chen confirms that the new rules are going to handicap the liars and deceivers.
“I think these new rules are probably going to hurt people who go in as a manipulative player and help those who go in with a pure and open heart,” said Chen without explaining what the modifications might be. Whatever the changes are, they could be in response to finale of last year’s series which saw the much loathed twosome of Jun Song and Alison Irwin finish first and second. It is rumoured that the way in which the producers are handicapping the liars is that the Head Of Household bedroom has been modified to allow those in it to spy and eavesdrop on the other houseguests.
Chen also promises that this season’s twists will shock and surprise the viewers as well as the houseguests themselves.
“Last year, we threw in ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends of houseguests. They had to deal with that. This season, we have major twists in how the game is going to be played and it is so twisted it is going to make the X-Factor look enjoyable,” Chen stated.
One surprise that Chen did unveil in the interview segment is that there will be one bedroom in the ‘Big Brother’ house which will be as comfortable as sleeping on a bed of nails.
“Let me just say there is one bedroom that is going to make the army cot that we had as a bed from previous seasons look comfortable. All of the bedrooms are never created equal and this season there is one that is pretty bad so you don’t want to be the one stuck with that bedroom,” Chen warned.
‘Big Brother 5’ debuts on Tuesday, July 6th on CBS. On the ‘Big Brother’ series, a group of strangers will live together in a house outfitted with dozens of cameras and microphones recording their every move 24 hours a day, seven days a week. As the outside world watches on television and the Internet, the HouseGuests will vote each other out, one by one, until only one remains and goes home a half million dollars richer.