Apple’s Online Music Store Sells 2 Million Songs
SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) – Apple Computer Inc. said on Wednesday that more than two million songs have been purchased and downloaded at 99 cents each from its iTunes Music Store in the 16 days since it opened for business in the U.S. market, continuing strong momentum for the service.
Apple said that, as seen during the first week, over half of the songs bought were purchased as albums, further dispelling what it said were concerns that selling music on a per-track basis will destroy album sales.
The service, which has more than 200,000 tracks for sale, is integrated into its iTunes music software program and for now is available only on its Macintosh computers, and those computers have to be in America. A Windows version is due by the end of the year, Apple said.
Users can listen to free 30-second previews of any track on the service and search by album, artist, music genre and song title. Users click on a “buy it” button to download the music into a folder in the iTunes program.
From there, users can compile play lists and transfer them to CDs up to 10 times before they must shuffle the order of the playlist. They can also move the tracks to as many of its popular iPod digital music players as they like and up to three Macintosh computers.
Apple, of Cupertino, California, said that more than 4,300 songs were added to the iTunes service on Tuesday, including five albums from The Doors.
The online music store is now only available in the United States, but the company is expected to expand the service to overseas markets in the future.