X-MEN’S Wolverine Will Likely Get Spun Off
Although even the director and the actor don’t know anything about the project, producers of the “X-Men” movie and the upcoming “X2” sequel foresee a film spin-off for their most popular character, Wolverine.
In an interview with Zap2it.com on Sunday (April 13), producer Lauren Shuler Donner confirms that she wants to see a spin-off live action film of “Wolverine” — played by Hugh Jackman — and possibly the bad-guy Magneto, who is played by Ian McKellen.
“I can definitely see that happening, yes,” says Donner, who has owned the rights to the Marvel characters for nearly a decade. “When I first read about the characters, I though that Wolverine was the most amazing character, he’s a tragic hero.”
Wolverine, played by the Australian actor Jackman, is a hairy mutant with retractable knives that come out of his hands during battle and cause him great pain, but he also has super-healing powers and his wounds close quickly. He is a loner, has no memory of his past, and is in love with another superhero, who is already committed.
Producer Ralph Winter says that the “X-Men” director Bryan Singer will undoubtedly be a part of any of the spin-offs because he has so intensely delved into the world of the team of mutants who are battling evil. “Bryan has a great insight into what makes the series such a popular piece of pop culture,” Winter says. “He makes these characters seem real, like they live next door.”
Singer, who says he has not yet signed the deal for a third film in the series, also says he knows nothing about any spin-off projects at this time.
And neither does Jackman, who tells Zap2it, “I’d do it if there is such a project, I love this character so much, it’s a gift.”
And Donner can see no one better to play the part, although at one point Dougray Scott (the bad guy in “Mission Impossible 2”) was cast to play the part of Wolverine. Scheduling conflicts kept the actor from taking the part, and Jackman was pulled from doing the musical “Oklahoma” and cast at the last minute with some initial hesitation from the director — until the 6-foot-3-inch Aussie walked onto the set in person.
“I can’t see anyone playing Wolverine except Hugh Jackman, he has the sensitivity and testosterone to play the part,” Donner gushes. “And he’s a terrific actor!”