‘AMERICAN Idol 2″ fans wailed a chorus of “we was robbed” after Wednesday’s live episode ended with no one getting booted.
After disqualifying contestant Corey Clark for allegedly beating his kid sister, “AI2” producers decided to wait until next Wednesday to kick off the next contestant.
Unhappy fans lit up the show’s online message board to complain. Here’s a sampling of postings from bolt.com:
– From “HappyinOttawa”: Last night’s show was a complete waste of everyone’s time. People only tune in to see who gets the boot.”
– From “SummerNut”: “Cracked me up when Ryan said that they wouldn’t be kicking anyone off last night’s show.”
– From “boopatch”: I thought last night’s show was a waste of time. That is an hour in my life I can never get back.”
– From “dan” : Bring back Julia DeMato!
A Fox spokesperson said: “We considered various ways to resolve the situation and felt this was the most fair, positive and equitable solution.”