I’ll Be Back
As if the previous Ultimate Edition of Terminator 2: Judgment Day didn’t have enough stuff on it, Artisan Entertainment has announced a new Extreme Edition of the Cameron classic for release on June 20th, just in time for the debut of Terminator 3: The Rise of the Machines. What more they will be adding to this one is not yet known, but stay tuned.
It Isn’t Even That Great A Movie
In other re-release news, Universal Studios Home Entertainment also bow the new The Fast and the Furious Tricked Out Edition in June, also just in time for its own big budget sequel, the ridiculously titled 2 Fast and 2 Furious.
Jack In A Box
At long last for Jack Ryan fans, Paramount Home Entertainment will finally release The Jack Ryan Special Edition DVD Collection. Featuring newly remastered editions of The Hunt for Red October, Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger, plus the previously-released special edition of The Sum of All Fears, the set comes loaded with new extras produced exclusively for the collection. And in another first for Paramount, all the titles in the set except for the repackaged Fears will mark the studio’s first-ever DTS-encoded releases. Each title will also be available separately and street date is May 6th.