Star Trek IV makes the Voyage to Home Video
Paramount Home Entertainment has announced the next special edition DVD for the Trek series. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home, one of the best Treks of them all is coming to DVD in March.
Itís the 23rd century and a mysterious alien power is threatening Earth by evaporating the oceans and destroying the atmosphere. In a frantic attempt to save mankind, Kirk and his crew must time travel back to 1986 San Francisco here they find a world of punk, pizza and exact-change busses that are as alien as anything theyíve ever encountered in the far reaches of the galaxy. A thrilling, action-packed mission for the Starship Enterprise.
Are there more features on the DVD than the previous release of Trek IV? The hell there are. Presented in anamorphic widescreen with Dolby Digital 5.1 and Dobly Surround 2.0 tracks (as well as French 2.0), the film will be discussed in an audio commentary featuring Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner, and the now customary and always informative text commentary with Michael and Denise Okuda. The second disc contains many featurettes seeming to go beyond the scope of the previous sets. Time Travel: The Art of the Possible, The Language of Whales, A Vulcan Primer, Kirk’s Women, Future’s Past: A Look Back, On Location, Dailies Deconstruction, Below-the-Line: Sound Design, From Outer Space to the Ocean, The Bird of Prey, Roddenberry Scrapbook and Featured Artist: Mark Lenard all are somehow squeezed onto the disc along with interviews with Shatner, Nimoy and DeForest Kelley. A storyboard archive and the filmís original theatrical trailer are also included.
The Trek releases seem to be getting better all the time. Sandwiched between Deep Space Nine DVD releases, The Voyage Home will begin on March 4th. The disc will sell for $24.99.