Astronaut Aldrin Says He Hit Man in Self Defense
By Arthur Spiegelman
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (Reuters) – Apollo 11 astronaut Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin offered a spirited defense Wednesday as to why he decked a pushy filmmaker who wanted him to swear on a Bible that he really did go to the moon — self defense.
“The man had him up against a wall and was not letting him pass. All Buzz was doing was trying to get away from him. On the videotape of the incident, you can hear Buzz asking for police to be called,” his lawyer, Robert O’Brien, told Reuters in an interview.
O’Brien added that the 72-year-old Aldrin “was forced to protect himself” from independent Nashville filmmaker Bart Sibrel, a much younger and bigger man, who was stopping the astronaut and his daughter from leaving.
Sibrel, 37, has admitted to ambushing Aldrin at the hotel and shoving a Bible at him so that he could swear he really made the second walk on the moon on July 20, 1969.
The filmmaker has made television documentaries and films debunking the Apollo 11 voyage, saying it never left earth — a conspiracy theory that some critics maintain gives conspiracy theory a bad name.
Sibrel said Aldrin punched him in the jaw and he wants the Beverly Hills police to charge astronaut with assault.
A police spokesman said police were investigating but had not yet spoken to Aldrin and “got his side.” Once the investigation is completed, its findings will be forwarded to the district attorney to see what, if any, action will be taken, the spokesman said.
The police spokesman added that witnesses have come forward stating that they saw Sibrel aggressively poke Aldrin with a Bible and that Sibrel had lured Aldrin to the hotel under false pretenses so that he could interview him.
Sibrel told Reuters, “I approached him and asked him again to swear on a Bible that he went to the moon, and told him he was a thief for taking money to give an interview for something he didn’t do.”
The incident was videotaped for a new Sibrel film, which claims to prove that the Apollo 11 astronauts faked footage of their 1969 voyage to the Moon to fool the Soviet Union into thinking the United States had won the space race.
Aldrin was the second man to take a walk on the Moon, a feat recorded on grainy black-and-white film footage and transmitted around the world.
“The claim that the moon landing is a hoax is completely crackpot. It’s just crazy. The scientific evidence is overwhelming,” a spokesman for The Skeptical Inquirer Magazine told the Los Angeles Times.