
Why, to make the aliens jealous?!?

Crawford Interested in Space Travel
Supermodel Cindy Crawford says she’s ready for a trip into orbit in a Russian spacecraft ó but only if it would last one week, Interfax news agency reported.
Crawford, 36, made the comment Thursday while in Moscow to present a jewelry collection from Omega, the watch company.
She and her husband, Rande Gerber, are the parents of two young children, Kaia Jordan, born last year, and Presley Walker, who was born in 1999.
Singer Lance Bass of ‘N Sync has gone through preliminary health tests as part of his bid to secure a spot on a flight to the international space station.
But the Russian Aerospace Agency has warned that there is little chance that Bass, 23, could complete the necessary training in time for the next Soyuz rocket launch in October.
The world’s second space tourist, South African Mark Shuttleworth, returned to Earth last month after a weeklong trip that cost him $20 million ó the same sum the world’s first space tourist, American Dennis Tito, paid last year.