Rapper Eminem Trades In Purple Car
Some Eminem fans may soon be able to take a ride in the Detroit-area rapper’s old car.
A purple Ford Mustang that once belonged to Eminem, whose real name is Marshall Mathers, was traded in last week at Russ Milne Ford.
Eminem’s uncle brought the car for a trade-in last week, while the rapper was outside, “kind of acting incognito,” Russ Milne general manager Keith Batko said. “One of our workers recognized him.”
The car, custom-painted purple and featuring a tan leather interior and convertible cover, can be viewed at the suburban Detroit dealership while its future is decided. It has 13,000 miles, although a $7,000 stereo system and Cobra tires were removed from it before the trade, the dealership said.
Russ Milne said it is considering selling the car and donating the proceeds to charity.