“X-Men 2” Lures Cumming to Role of Nightcrawler
While Marvel’s wall crawler “Spider-Man” continues to rack up summer grosses for Sony, Fox has added a Nightcrawler to its Marvel franchise “X-Men.”
Alan Cumming has signed to join the X-Men mutant superhero roster, playing a shadowy blue-tinted superhero with a tail whose great gift is the ability to teleport from one location to another. At the same time, “Tadpole” star Aaron Stanford has been set to play Pyro, a mutant who becomes part of the junior X-Men team. He has the ability to manipulate fire.
Once again directed by Bryan Singer, “X-Men 2” will begin production in Vancouver on June 17. Returning is the original good guy cast of Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry, James Marsden, Hugh Jackman, Anna Paquin and Famke Janssen. Also back is Ian McKellen as the villainous Magneto.