
Wanna own some “Seinfeld” stuff?

Auction Features ‘Seinfeld’ Items

For a price, you can bring some of your “Seinfeld” memories home รณ like Kramer’s crazy shirts. A couple of them, and lots of other “Seinfeld” memorabilia, are up for auction online at Sotheby’s through May 7, 2002.

The site features a softball uniform Bette Midler wore when she made a guest appearance in an episode that featured George sliding into her at home plate.

Also up for sale is artwork from Jerry’s and Elaine’s apartments and George’s office when he worked for the New York Yankees. There are also plenty of scripts and props, including the triangle sculpture from “The Junior Mint” episode.

Lee Dunbar, vice president of Sothebys, is the auction house’s specialist for the sale.

“I have the greatest job in the world,” she said. “When your whole work is to bone up on the ‘Seinfeld’ episodes that you haven’t seen over the past couple years and match the props to the episode, life is pretty good.”

Proceeds go to Hollywood CPR, a charity that trains disadvantaged kids in specialized trade skills for the entertainment industry. This includes instruction in prop-making, model-making, set design and construction, sculpting, robotics and special effects.

“It’s the ultimate recycling,” Dunbar said. “We take the profit from the props and we give them back so we can train more people to make props.”