
Get well soon, Ed!!

Ed McMahon in Intensive Care
Los Angeles (E! Online) ñ Ed McMahon is in intensive care at a Los Angeles hospital.
The 85-year-old former Johnny Carson sidekick has been hospitalized for several weeks with pneumonia, as well as other unspecified ailments, rep Howard Bragman tells E! News.
Bragman declined to comment on reports that McMahon has also been diagnosed with bone cancer, but did say the TV icon’s condition is “serious” and his family is at his side.
“We’re going to hope for the best right now,” he said, adding that eveyone is “very optimistic” and McMahon is “gathering his strength.”
McMahon has had his share of troubles in recent months, including bank debts, a home foreclosure, a process server-biting dog and a broken neck, which he blames for his financial woes.