“Fletch” lives as “Scrubs” duo eye comedy revival
NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) – The creator of “Scrubs” is writing and directing a prequel to the ’80s feature franchise “Fletch,” and if he has his way, the show’s star Zach Braff will take over Chevy Chase’s title role.
The Weinstein Co. has signed Bill Lawrence to adapt Gregory Mcdonald’s 1985 comic-mystery novel “Fletch Won,” which follows the irreverent detective from his early days as a ne’er-do-well junior newspaper reporter to his partnership with a crime reporter to solve a murder.
Mcdonald’s best-sellers were brought to the screen in 1985’s “Fletch” and 1989’s “Fletch Lives.”
“Zach is perfect for the role,” Lawrence said in an interview from his Los Angeles office, where Braff sat laughing in the background. “I’m going to use all my pull trying to make him do it.”
Filming is expected to start in April once the current season of “Scrubs” completes filming. No cast members have been signed yet.
Braff helped bring Lawrence on board by suggesting his boss to Weinstein principal Harvey Weinstein, leading to talks between the pair over the past six months.
“Zach knows I can recite the original ‘Fletch’ movie line for line,” said Lawrence, who also has read all of Mcdonald’s “Fletch” novels.
The director is well aware of the cult surrounding the books and films, which seems to weigh heavily on him. “My closest friends from high school don’t care about my career,” he said. “This is the only job I’ve ever gotten where every one of them said, ‘Congratulations,’ and then said, ‘Don’t f— it up.”‘
Lawrence plans to make his “Fletch” with a bit more edge. “There were definitely broader, sketchier parts in the earlier films,” he said. “I’d compare this one more to ‘Beverly Hills Cop,’ where there was a sense of real jeopardy. Like ‘Batman Begins,’ I (also) think people will enjoy seeing how Irwin Fletcher became Fletch.”