On Wednesday, CBC tabled a settlement offer on the outstanding issues to the CMG. It contains significant compromise on the key issues in an effort to end the current labour disruption and conclude a collective agreement.
We understand the impact that the current labour dispute has had on our audiences, our staff, our managers and our partners across the country. We want to get our services back on-air and online immediately.
To that end, we believe our offer is a significant compromise and addresses the concerns voiced by the CMG and our employees over the course of these negotiations. Our offer includes considerable movement on the key issues ñ Contract Employees and Workforce Adjustment. It also includes further standardization of hours of work and improved overtime provisions for some employees, continuation of the long service gratuity for current permanent employees, implementation of Job Evaluation and a generous monetary package for employees in addition to numerous positive developments that have been negotiated.
We have been bargaining now for 16 months. It√≠s time to resolve our differences at the bargaining table so we can get back to doing the work we do best – creating outstanding public broadcasting for Canadians.
Here are the highlights of the CBC’s proposal:
Wages – Increases for employees will include:
Upon Ratification – 3.0% increase
Upon Ratification – A pensionable lump-sum payment equivalent to 3.5 percent of base earnings for all time worked between April 1, 2004 and date of ratification
January 9, 2006 – Implementation of new job evaluation pay scales and job evaluation retroactivity
April 1, 2006 – 2.0 percent general wage increase
April 1, 2007 – 2.5 percent general wage increase
April 1, 2008 – 2.5 percent general wage increase
Restriction of Total Number of Contract Employees
CBC has offered to restrict the total number of contract positions to a maximum of 90 additional contract positions per year. Our commitment that no current permanent employee will be required to revert to or accept contract status as a result of this proposal continues.
Full Pension Eligibility for Contract Employees
Full pension (after two years of service) for contract employees on par with permanent full time employees and the ability for existing contract employees to retroactively buy back eligible service if they opt to join the pension plan. For contract employees who choose not to join the pension plan, they will continue to receive payment in lieu so they can plan for their own retirement.
Full Severance Benefits and Greater Notice Period for Contract Employees
Employees on contract for a year or greater will receive severance benefits equal to current permanent employees and improved notification of renewal/non-renewal of their contract.
Same Benefits as Permanent Staff for Contract Employees and Temporary Employees
Contract and temporary employees will receive the same benefits as permanent full time employees.
Cross-Component Bumping in Some Situations
As in our previous offers, we reiterated that employees must possess the demonstrated occupational qualifications to do a job before they re-deploy into that position. However, the Corporation has agreed to allow cross component bumping (i.e between radio and television) when an employee has worked at least 6 of the last 12 months in an equivalent position in the other component. This is a significant improvement for employees in the current Unit 1 bargaining unit who cannot move between components today.
Other improvements for employees in the Corporationís offers
More Standardized Hours of Work and Improved Overtime Provisions
The Corporation has proposed that the regular work week for all employees currently in the Unit 1 and Unit 2 bargaining units will be 38 æ hours per week (exluding self-assigned employees). In addition, overtime will now be paid after 7.75 hours for daily assigned employees and 38.75 hours for weekly assigned employees, which represents an improvement for many employees. Employees in the current Unit 3 bargaining unit will continue to work their 36.25 hour workweek.
Long-Service Gratuity
The Corporation has proposed that all current permanent employees who enjoy the benefit of the long-service gratuity will continue to do so under the same terms and conditions as they do today.
Over Seventeen Million Dollars In Job Evaluation Payments
After a considerable amount of time spent working in collaboration with the union formulating a job evaluation plan, defining and rating jobs to ensure “equal pay for work of equal value”, CBC has committed to increase its CMG payroll by $2.4 million and to provide a total of $15 million in retroactive payments to employees in the bargaining unit upon implementation of Job Evaluation on January 9, 2006. Additionally, employees red-circled as a result of Job Evaluation will have their salary protected and will be entitled to a lump sum payment equal to the full amount of a general wage increase.
The payments for job evaluation retroactivity will be paid as follows:
All current employees in the bargaining unit will receive a lump sum payment in recognition of the rationalization of pay scales. A total of $4.5 million will be paid to these employees.
In addition, employees in the bargaining unit whose jobs have increased in value as a result of Job Evaluation will receive an additional lump sum payment.
A total of $10 million will be paid to these employees.
A total of $500,000 will be paid to bargaining unit employees who have retired since the commencement of Job Evaluation.
A commitment that CBCís current permanent employees will continue to be permanent and will continue to have a wide range of career opportunities.
Rather than just communicate this to you, we will also include this as our commitment in collective agreement language.
Numerous work-life balance initiatives such as leaves of absence and alternative work arrangements, and deferred salary leave.
Other positive developments for CBC employees:
– including deferred salary leave,
– alternate work arrangements,
– a simplified dispute resolution and grievance process,
– a process to ensure Respect in the Workplace, streamlined probation arrangements and job evaluation implementation.