Two Oscar Winners Come Home
There are some really good films coming out on DVD and video today. And I don’t mean good as in I’m the only one who’ll like them, I mean really good, Academy Award winning films.
These are the major DVD and Video releases for Tuesday, August 19th, 2003:
CHICAGO – Two female murderers become media celebrities in this surprisingly entertaining musical that won the Oscar as 2002’s Best Picture. Whether it is or not is now up to you to decide in the comfort of your own home. (Renee Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Richard Gere)
BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE – Michael Moore’s Oscar winning Documentary takes a look back at the Columbine shootings and America’s handgun obsession. As with all of Moore’s films this one starts off very strong and goes downhill from there. But when its strong, its very strong! (Michael Moore, Charlton Heston, Dick Clark)
THE GOOD THIEF – A gambler has a casino robbery attempt thwarted by cops. I meant to see this theatrically, but it didn’t play anywhere near me. My friend Leslie says it is “really good.” (Nick Nolte, Tcheky Karyo, Ralph Fiennes)
CONVOY – This classic of Seventies cinema finally trucks its way to DVD. The story? A trucker blocks crooked sheriff with big rigs. CONVOY is a horrible film, but don’t we all miss the Seventies just a little bit? And the theme song is awesome! (Kris Kristofferson, Ali MacGraw, Ernest Borgnine)
THE KID STAYS IN THE PICTURE – At one point Robert Evans was the king of Hollywood. As the head of Paramount Pictures he was responsible for such films as THE GODFATHER. This candid autobiography explains how Robert Evans stayed in the pictures. If BOWLING FOR COLUMBINE didn’t win the Documentary Oscar, this one should have. (Robert Evans (narrator)
National Lampoon’s Vacation (20th Anniversary Special Edition):
Yes, it really has been twenty years since this comedy classic debuted. After years of only having a bad pan and scan DVD to enjoy the anniversary is being marked with this disc that has the following Features:
* Commentary by Feature-length Griswold Family audio commentary by Chase, Quaid, Simmons, Anthony Michael Hall, Dana Barron, and Director Harold Ramis
* Theatrical trailer
* New digital transfer
* New introduction by Chevy Chase, Randy Quaid, and Producer Matty Simmons
* Family Truckster gallery
* Widescreen anamorphic format
WARNING! Don’t buy the box set that is coming out today as their is a new WIDESCREEN version of Christmas Vacation coming out on October 7th.
Enjoy the movies and I’ll see you on the couch!