FAMILY GUY May Get a Movie, At Least on DVD
THE FAMILY GUY creator Seth MacFarlane may make a new feature-length FAMILY GUY DVD movie.
Yes, the cancelled FOX adult animated comedy could be making a comeback. The three-season long show ran on Fox from 1999-2001 but was pulled due to low ratings which weren’t helped by an unstable airing schedule – since then however the studio has been very impressed with both the first wave of DVD sales and Cartoon Network re-run ratings, so much so that a direct-to-DVD feature-length new movie is being considered by creator Seth MacFarlane.
Seth told Variety that “It’s certainly some vindication and a sign that the show is as popular as we always suspected. Fox certainly gave the show more of a chance than a lot of shows would’ve gotten, and we’re indebted to Gail [Berman, Fox Entertainment Chief] for the fact that we even got a third season. But it’s also frustrating for everyone who worked on the show. We all felt it was killed before its time”. Fox will release a second batch of episodes on disc later this Fall.