‘Star Wars’ Faves Back for Prequel
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) – George Lucas is bringing back the classic characters Chewbacca the Wookie, C-3PO and R2-D2 for the upcoming “Star Wars Episode III.”
The director has already hired actors Peter Mayhew, Anthony Daniel and Kenny Baker to reprise their respective roles as sprightlier versions of their characters for the prequel in preproduction.
All three actors have donned costumes in past “Star Wars” episodes, and in the case of Daniel and Baker, the thespians have loaned their voice talents to puppet and motion-control versions of their characters. Lucas has noted in the past that having Baker inside the R2-D2 suit brought “an element of humanity” to the character.
The film, whose full title has not yet been disclosed, is scheduled for a May 25, 2005 release.