
I am reporting this story even though when asked about it on “Access Hollywood” on Monday night Mr. Ford stated that the story was not true.

Calista Flockheart (ALLY MCBEAL) may be lacing up her hiking boots for INDIANA JONES IV.
Says a source, “Harrison Ford had only one demand when he was approached about doing a fourth Indiana Jones movie – that Calista be written into the new movie. Luckily, Steven Spielberg and George Lucas loved the idea. They think Calista will be a perfect romantic interest for Indiana.”
Apparently Calista also solved a problem for the two filmmakers. Added the source, “The Indy team had no idea what to do with Indy for the fourth movie. Bringing Calista on board gave them inspiration and they dreamed up the whole story in just a few hours. Getting Calista into the movie was the kick-in-the-pants the guys needed.”