
Hey Dan, even though you’ve been busy with THE NEW website is there time to answer as to whether or not there are any new films in theatres this weekend?

Sorry, but there isn’t!
Ha ha ha, just kidding! Of course! Not even a new design, concept and look to this website would keep me from letting you know about the 2 new films invading the North American multiplexes.
I just wish they were better films!
Up first is The New Guy. This movie, for lack of a better phrase, just stinks out loud. Only a few of the jokes are funny and the humor is just bad.
There are 2 people in The New Guy. that might make it worth your time. Especially if you have a lot of free time.
Eliza Dushku, from TV’s “Buffy The Vampire Slayer” and “BRING IT ON” plays the popular girl with the killer body who falls for said new individual and the always fun Lyle Lovett plays his Dad.
But if you don’t have any free time, stay away from The New Guy.
Even if you don’t have any extra time, or any time to spare, if you are a fan of either Diane Lane or Richard Gere then you will probably find yourself in the dark somewhere watching Unfaithful over the next couple of days.
From the director of “Fatal Attraction,” 9 1/2 Weeks,” and “Foxes” this erotic, sexually charged revenge thriller has some of the things that this kind of film needs to have. More specifically, it has Diane Lane! Lane gives one hell of a performance by showing us a range of emotions that clearly states that she is one of the finest actresses on the screen today. Not to mention the sexiest. Yummy baby! Yummy!
So if you like stupid movies that stink out loud, or wanna see Diane Lane look absolutely delicious, then this is your weekend at the movies!
Otherwise, you can just go and see Spider- Man again.
Or you can just wait until Thursday when Star Wars: Episode II- Attack Of The Clones opens!
Oh yeah, baby! Oh yeah!
Enjoy the popcorn, may the force be with you, and I’ll see you at the movies!